Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology
started BASIC LEVEL YOGA COURSE in our college,we conducted Yoga Theory,Practical’s and bandhas,mudras,pranayamas,Kriyas & 31 students participated in this course and successfully completed.
15 students of our college participated in The Krishna District Yoga Champion ships. Out of them, We got 10 places in four categories i.e., 17-21 and 21-25 age group boys and girls. Our students achieved Ist place -1, II nd places -2, III rd places – 4, IV th places -3.
10 students of our college participated in A P State yoga Champion ships
which are held at Tirupathi from 9-9-17 to 12-9-17. We got two places V th(N.Avinash-2nd ece) & VIth PLACE(k.Sri Syam saran-2nd cse) and they participated at ALL INDIA NATIONAL YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP,GHAZIABAD,DELHI.
Five girl students(A.CHINMAYEE SREEJA-3RD EEE,M.MADHAVI-2ND IT,K.VIJAYA LAkSHMI-2ND CSE,U.GEETHIKA-3RD MECH,P.KOMALI-2ND IT) of our college were selected in JNTUK YOGA COMPETITIONS in this year. They participated in All India Inter University yoga competitions at Bhubaneswar.
All India Inter University Yoga competitions were held on 1 to 4th October 2017, at KIIT university, Bhubanerwar, Odisha.